
Independence Day

On this Independence Day in the United States let me give you a few mind-changing thoughts from Jesus. Given the nature of Jesus' teaching, we should not be surprised to find that these are for the most part counter-cultural.

First, Jesus was supremely disinterested in national independence and supremely interested in the Kingdom of God. He came at a time when everyone he grew up with would have been talking about “Independence.” It was time like the one John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington found themselves in. Talk of independence was everywhere. But Jesus put his emphasis someplace else  (Matthew 22:20-22). So Jesus' life says being politically independent is not the most important thing in the world. I can be thankful to live in a country where we have many freedoms, and yet still recognize that I have brothers in Christ living under totalitarian regimeswho are more free than my   neighbors across the street celebrating the Fourth of July with their fireworks.

Second, nationalism is often divisive and exclusive, but the Kingdom of God is inclusive. Nationalism is devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation and usually causes you to focus much more on your nation and much less on those in other nations. USAmericans make up 4.75% of the world—95.25% of the world are not USAmericans. But as those in the Kingdom of God, we have been called to be concerned about all nations. The more nationalistic we are, the less we are focused on most of the world. But kingdom thinking opens us to mission, friendship and communion with every tribe and tongue (Galatians 3:26-27).

Third, citizenship in a country can have its strengths and weaknesses. But citizenship in heaven has no weaknesses (Philippians 3:20-21). There are some great strengths to US citizenship, but there are also weaknesses. Our system is not perfect. Every nation on earth lives by the world’s wisdom. Only in the kingdom of God is there a commitment to live by the wisdom of God. And so in Christ, our citizenship is in heaven. And there we have the ultimate freedom—freedom from sin, freedom to know God and freedom to taste the powers of the age to come. That’s the song we sing and the flag we fly, whether we live in the United States, Venezuela or China.

Fourth, Jesus was clear that loyalty to God must supersede loyalty to country.  Jesus said disciples must love him more than father, mother, son, daughter, yes and their own lives, also. It is easy to see that country would also belong in such a list. When we are disciples, we are pledging our ultimate loyalty to Jesus. And he does not disappoint.

So in that vein, being a citizen of the Kingdom of God is far more important than being a US or Vietnamese or Nigerian citizen. If we are USAmericans our passion as disciples must not be to Americanize the world or to talk as some politicians about “American exceptionalism," but to bring the Kingdom of God to those in every nation of the world.


  1. Hurray for God's truth! On its surface, our early founding fathers appear to embody such virtue and nobility. And surely there is much to admire about their sacrifice and hard work.

    But as I dig into God's word and embrace his Kingdom, it is such a blessing to learn about God's plan that truly offers hope, love, and peace (and with it suffering!) to all peoples everywhere. Much more than saluting a flag or taking off my cap at a baseball game!

    The Kingdom of God breaks down the very barriers that our nationalism creates. As you share so well, it also teaches and compells me to be devoted to my fellow Kingdom citizens around the world.

    Now that's something I can celebrate on July 4th!

  2. Tell that to Rush Limbaugh.


  3. Wow. This rocked my heart this morning. As I am trying to figure out what fun things to do today for fourth of July celebration and actually stressing over it, I am reminded once again about what is truly important! Thank you for sharing these thoughts today!! May God's Spirit continue to guide us to his clear and amazing truths!

  4. Thanks again, Tom, for presenting God's perspective! I've been wanting to share this concept with some family members. Love the way you put it and think I'll re-post. Many need to understand this!

  5. Cathy in NashvilleJuly 4, 2011 at 10:40 AM

    On July 4th, 19 years ago, I celebrated my most special "independence day" by being baptized into Christ! I love this day being my spiritual birthday, because it helps me remember what is really important on this holiday. Thanks so much for this study, Tom, it really encouraged me!

  6. Wow. I have been in USA for a long time but still waiting on my American citizenship. This brings things into perspective.

  7. In response to 'JT Anonymous':
    I believe you should keep your liberal comments off this site.
    There are plenty of things we could comment on regarding Mr. B.O.!

  8. We all need to be mature in our understanding of God's word and in each others opinion.While you encouraged us to think about the eternal freedom we all have in Christ through our liberation from sin,you do not condemn patriotism in anyway.Sometimes we need to tell each other hard truths.Jesus say 'LISTEN CAREFULLY'.Thanks for your deeper thought on INDEPENDENCE DAY.Shadrach.

  9. Appreciate your thoughts Tom and "for sure" we need to do as Jesus did and focus on the Kingdom of God. In practical terms does that mean we should not focus on our jobs? If we ignore our jobs will that not bring certain negative things into our lives and how we appear to others we are witnessing to? Should we ignore things like politics? If we ignore politics - should we vote? If we live in a country free from tyranny - should we fight to keep that freedom?

  10. hi previous anonymous,

    praise God, the bible gives us answers to all your questions. regarding jobs, it says: "make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: "You should mind your own business and work with your hands" 1 thes 4:11 and even "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat" 2 Thes 3:10. God wants us to do our work well, as if for Christ. regarding politics, he says "Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience" romans 13:5 food for thought!
