
A Spiritual Way to Think

When we entered the room where Bill was waiting for us, the first thing I noticed was the broad smile. He can no longer move his limbs except for the lower part of one arm, but with that smile he was giving us a warm hug.

Bill has Lou Gehrig ’s disease. Two years ago he was traveling the country as an active expert in the field of sound. Today he is confined to his high tech wheelchair.

He smiled that day we were with him, but a year after his diagnosis Bill wasn’t smiling. One morning with his wife, Susan, and their son away, he drove his wheel chair into their swimming pool to end his life. But, by God’s grace, Bill had a mind change, and with it came the joy of trusting God. In my book, Mind Change, Power Thought Number 1 says:

In every situation there is
a right and
 spiritual way to think.

It may take me some time to find it.
It may take some discipline to embrace it.
But it is always there, and it is always best.
It is always the key to overcoming any challenge.

It took Bill some time, but he found that spiritual way to think and he embraced it. He keeps his focus on Scripture so he will not lose it. He helps others to find it. And he smiles.

If Bill can do that, we can all do that.

(Bill would eventually pass on to be with Christ, but not before making a difference in many lives.)


  1. When the Scriptures talk about fighting the good fight, the point is that it's a fight. It's not going to be easy, but we have the Christian "Rules of Engagement"--The Christian gets up after he/she falls.
    Thanks Bill for getting up and finishing the race.
    Onyechi--New York.

  2. My favorite Mind Change Moment!!!
    I have read this to too many to count that were in the hospital, sick and dying. It still inspires me as I read it this morning. I am so grateful to our God for using you in this powerful way, Tom. May He bless you richly in this life and in the one to come.
    With greatest esteem,
    Mary Liebhart, RN

  3. I can't say it better than Mary said it! Thank you, Tom, for continuing to encourage and challenge us all to remember "that to which we have been called". What a challenging, but glorious, calling!!
    Much love to you and Sheila!
    PS Enjoyed (again) your book "No One Like Him" last week as I was preparing to teach a class on one of the Beatitudes. Guess what our women's Bible study is considering for the fall... Yep, The Kingdom Of God! So excited, and Very Thankful for all you do!

  4. I can so relate. I am just coming off of the most challenging years of my walk with God. Every aspect of my life had been rocked. I spend a while just stuffing and mad at God. It wasn't until I get real with God and myself and started focusing on some painful truths that God started changing my heart. With all things in our lives, we can get so engrossed on the here and now, that we lose sight of ETERNITY and God's plan for our ETERNAL life.

    Thank you for the reminder through Bill's story.


  5. Thanks Bro.Bill's story has become a tool in my hand to encourage others and myself,in particular brothers and sisters who are physically handicapped and are finding it challenging to find partners in marriage and are associating it to their physical outlook and as they advance in age,satan is intruding their thought and are getting discouraged and giving up hope of ever getting married.
