
Denial without Regret

Today we again feature excerpts from the 1993 book, Thirty Days at the Foot of the Cross. These thoughts are by Javier Amaya who lived in Boston at the time and now has returned to serve the church there again.

"Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.  And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers" (1 John 3:16).

 And Jesus said, "That's enough!. . .Have him do it not me!. . .That's not my responsibility!. . .I'm tired; let somebody else do it. . .I'll do it later!. . .Why me?. . .You do it. . .It's too late, and I've done enough. . .That's not my job. . .Get off my back!. . .I'll do it at my pace and when I feel like it."

Jesus had plenty of opportunities to say such things but he never did.  Even as they took him to a cross, he uttered no such words.  In situation after situation, the Son of God denied himself and was faithful to his Father and his calling. And now, like our Lord and Master, we are to lay down our lives for others.

A day of self-denial must begin with a morning of preparation.  Surely Jesus was able to wash the feet of others at the end of a day because at the beginning of it he was preparing his mind through communion with God.  Decide early in every day that you will not be too busy to notice others or so consumed with your things that you will not be available to help another.  As you walk out the door of your house, pray for help in forgetting yourself and in seeing and meeting the needs of others.

Jesus laid down his life again and again and again until there was nothing left to give. But he never resented it or regretted it, because the seed that falls into the ground and dies does produce much fruit.


  1. I would even go a step further and suggest that a day of self-denial must begin the night before. If we are undisciplined with our lives and stay up too late or don't allow ourselves enough sleep to be refreshed in the morning, how will we be able to be focused and un-rushed in our times with the Lord. This time is precious and important and shouldn't be rushed, just as a pilot shouldn't rush through his "pre-flight" checklist.

    Garrett Schmitt
    Atlanta, GA

  2. Very true, Garrett. Thanks for adding this encouragement and challenge.

  3. Thank you Tom for this mind changing article. It speaks to what I have been feeling.My job took a lot of my time and at the end of the day I had very little to offer.I want to respond as Jesus did to those around me. NYC is a lot of hustle but so many people here need God.
    Thank you.
    Jackie M
    New York

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with Garrett's point as well. I am a repenting night owl. By my changing my poor habit of not getting to bed at a good hour, I am able to get up early in a refreshed state to be able to start my day by putting on the full armor of God through my personal time spent with him. Ephesians 6:13-15. Thank you also for the reminder of this preparation enabling us to deny ourselves for others without leaving any trace of regret like Jesus did.
