
Suffering and Humility

When we suffer, we find out where we really are, and we learn lessons we never learned while all was comfortable. If our humility cannot pass the test of suffering, wasn’t it just a disguise? Isn’t it better that we find that out before it is too late to do something about it? If we say, “I don’t deserve this kind of pain,” we should stop and listen, and learn something very important about ourselves. We are a long way from the cross, a long way from dying to self. Our suffering has revealed that we are much more self-absorbed than we have thought.

Nothing confronts us with our true selves like suffering. Suffering exposes self-righteousness, arrogance and ingratitude that has been lodging somewhere in the recesses of our hearts. Suffering does not produce these things. It only reveals what is already there. No wonder God allows us to go through some tough things.

The truly humble person, the person who stands in awe before God, will make it through the tests of suffering and be stronger on the other side. He may struggle and wrestle with God, but ultimately, he will come back to God in full surrender like Job did.

To humble ourselves in our suffering means to accept that suffering and allow God to teach us any lesson that we need to learn (and there will usually be several).

There is an old saying that goes like this: “Difficulty is the very atmosphere of miracle.” None of us welcomes suffering. Few of us are immediately or consistently humble in the face of it. However, if we will come to God in our pain with teachable and open hearts, we may yet see miracles. 


  1. What a blessing to read this right now, as I am at the hospital laboring to give birth to my fifth child! "Difficulty is the very atmosphere of miracle" - amen!

    Thank you for sharing this encouragement.

  2. Need this over & over! Watching my son suffer as he wrestles with God. It's teaching me humility as well. Spot on. Thank you!

  3. I just recently loss my mother in law and as I grappled with the "why" of it all it made me really reach out to God and my sisters (in Christ). On the other side of it I realized that I really haven't surrendered all my trust issues to God. There is still a part of me that wants to control my own universe and God is faithfully showing me where real control lies.

    Thanks you for so accurately expressing some of the things I feel and reminding that Jesus is My Lord and His way is perfect and true!


  4. This is a great teaching and a deep truth. Often the "suffering" that I have endured is really more of an inconvenience. My hope and heart is to be prepared to honor God even when real suffering does come my way.

    1. Thanks to all of you for these thoughtful responses. C.S. Lewis wrote, "God whispers to us in our joy and shouts to us in our pain." If Jesus was made perfect by what he suffered (Hebrew 2:10) why should we expect it to be different for us?

    2. Thank you Tom.

  5. thanks Tom. We all have to go through suffering at sometime in our life. Thank God for the example of Jesus, if our Lord had to go through suffering so will we. May we learn well.
