
The Power of Humility

We conclude our series of excerpts from The Prideful Soul's Guide to Humility with these thoughts from the last chapter:

The most important question we can ask about anything is, “Does it please God?” Humility always passes that test and, for that reason, would be the right thing for our lives, whatever else we might say about it.

However, humility not only pleases God, but humility is powerful. Men and women who learn humility will experience victories and will see results that will never be present in the lives of prideful souls.

Prideful men and women are often powerful in a worldly sense, but their lives are devoid of spiritual and relational victory. One does not have to be humble to accumulate wealth, be successful in business, achieve political influence or be known for academic excellence. Prideful souls function quite well in all these and other arenas. But it is most common to find prideful people who have gained worldly success but have no clue about how to be happily married, how to be close to their children or how to have lasting friendships. They certainly have no walk with God.

The prideful soul can be successful—at all the things that ultimately do not matter. He will have no success where it really counts. What is missing in his life is the power of humility.

Humility should be our goal, whatever the apparent results, but the fact is that the results are dramatic. While humility sounds like an anemic word to some, in reality it unleashes divine power that can raise us to life on a new and higher plane. 

1 comment:

  1. The Power of Humility. Wow. Oh, to see humility in myself,in the church, in others is an attractive thing. God Almighty says he "opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble". May we strive for humility, for I do not want to oppose my Father. Thank you Tom. I desire to get the book and to live a humble and confident life.
