
We Need Other People!

Some years ago, as I struggled with my illness and battled with a tenacious depression, I had some very mature and wise people in my life who could not figure me out. They wanted to have the answers. They wanted to find out how to fix me, but they will tell you today that they were perplexed. But in spite of their frustration and limitations, they did the right thing: They kept loving me. And, fortunately, I did the right thing: I let them.

Looking back, I know they said things that helped. They gave me insights that were useful. But nothing was more important than the fact than that they made me feel respected, appreciated and valuable when I had a hard time believing any of those things were true. Their love kept me in the race until my mind finally became capable of locking on to the truth.
So keep your balance. Take responsibility for your own life. Realize you hold the key to what will happen to you. Develop your own faith, your own convictions and your own walk with God. Never blame anyone else for what is happening to you.

At the same time, don’t try to be the Lone Ranger or the solitary warrior. Look at life through the mind of Christ, and see how he bought with his blood a fellowship in which we will both get help and give it to others. Be honest enough to tell others where you need help. Be humble enough to receive the help. Always make it your goal to give as much as you get and pass on to others the help you yourself have received from God (2 Corinthians 1). This is a sure formula for overcoming.


  1. Tom, thanks, again, for your transparency that will give others courage to do the same; for your perseverance as you wrestle with your life's struggles and your outreach and concern for so many others that are in the battle. The gift of "each other" IS precious indeed. Thanks for the reminder to always respect and treat as valuable, no matter what the struggle, since we certainly are to God! ...Continuing to pray for you and this much needed ministry!

  2. When I went to Bogota we spent alot of time with each other and we spent alot of time with the disciples there just listening to each other and sharing. It was so fullfilling. I think we need more time together with other disciples.I think were very out of touch with each other . Our modern society is really keeping us very distant from one another.Have a great trip to Boston!!!

  3. Tom I love your insight and wisdom. Truly through difficulty we learn some great lessons, may we be humble enough to learn. And to give.

  4. I agree also with Kelly about being out of touch with each other. Distance, gas money, distractions, being to tired, keep us apart. We do have the phone, email, Facebook, and still we could write letters but nothing compares to the face to face one to one contact.

  5. Tom,
    Someone very dear to my heart has been suffering with a debilitating depression for the past year. I have been at such a loss for what to do, since nothing seems to help. Thank you, my brother, for taking the time to share this valuable information. We need love the most when we deserve it the least.
    With much esteem-
    In Christ,
    Mary L.
    North River Church Of Christ
