
Scripture #4:Seek First

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

How could this one not be on my list? In all our lives there is going to be something we seek first. What is it for you? It may be something noble like the good of your marriage or the good of your family. For a few people it may be their country. It may be a long time dream or something you want to achieve. It may be something not so noble like your own pleasure or your own self-centered 
happiness. Something is going to be first in all our lives.

Jesus brought the kingdom of God—the life of the age to come right into the present age. The kingdom is the rule of God, the reign of God, and he says “Here’s how to live: seek first God’s kingdom and his righteousness… and all these other needs we be taken care of by God.”

Jesus is giving us a Truth North, a clear direction, something that can simplify life even as it challenges our character. To seek the kingdom is decide nothing will get more of our passion than finding and doing the will of God. It means listening carefully to what Jesus taught us about the Kingdom life and wanting to follow him whatever the costs.

When I decide something will be first, it shapes how I handle everything else. It means I will not compromise my pursuit of it, no matter what. It means I will sacrifice for it because I value it above all else. If it is really first, it is more important than life itself.

Because I trust Jesus more than I trust anyone, there is no question about what is going to be first.


  1. I have been stuck in the idea that whatever is not for God is a waste. I look at the things I am involved in and think that they are not serving in living a life totally devoted to God... but I know that I am in those things not because of my own accord... God put me in them! I am having trouble finding the happy medium about what I should change to draw closer to God and what I should not change because God put me in it (referring to the situation).

  2. amen Tom. May we always put God first and find out what pleases him and do it. I thank God for the church,for other disciples, that together we can do it. That collectively and individually we can bring glory to God.
