
To Live Is Christ

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.  For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:20-21).

What is missing in so many people’s lives is a clear sense of identity and purpose.  They don’t know when to say “No” and when to say “Yes,” because they don’t know who they are or why they are here.  Paul suffered from no such identity crisis.  He knew who he was because he knew whose he was.  To live is Christ.  That summed it up.  Christ was his life.  He had a relationship with God because of Christ.  He had purpose in his world because of Christ.  He had an example to follow because of Christ.  He knew how to love others because of Christ.  He had a destiny that was secure and unshakable because of Christ.

Because Jesus Christ was Paul’s whole life, he could continue to rejoice whatever happened.  In one way or another, unfolding events would turn out for his deliverance.  He might be delivered from prison; he might be delivered from this life with all its struggles, or he might stay in prison and just be delivered from loneliness and anxiety, but he would be delivered

What could be better than to know who you are and to have an unswerving commitment to someone greater than yourself?  What could be better than to have a faith that would enable you to face life and death, angels and demons, the present and the future, unafraid because you know nothing can separate you from the love of God?

A world of superficial people whose only principle often seems “What is in it for me?” cries out for men and women with convictions to live and die for.  A world of anxious people who try losing themselves in drugs, alcohol and sensuality cries out for men and women with a calm certainty and robust faith who can say “To live is Christ.”

Question to consider: Suppose you are on trial for making Christ your whole life.  What is the evidence to convict you of the charge?

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