
Scripture #1: "Kingdom Come"

To view today's presentation as a video click here.

Today represents a bit of a milestone for us as it is our 200th week to send out a Mind Change Moment. Sheila and I want to thank you for so much encouragement and support that you have given us so to help keep these messages going out. After today were going to take  a break, and not be sending out any our regular podcasts for a while. But I do want to talk to you about something else we're going to make available.

Over the last few weeks I've been sharing with you some of the passages of Scripture that made the biggest impact on my life. I've said several times that we are not trying to countdown to Number One. However, the passage that I share today has certainly been the most important one to me over the last 2 1/2 years.

It comes from what most people call the Lord's Prayer, and here's the familiar verse:

Matthew 6:10 
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

No biblical concept has gripped me more in the last 30 months like the subject of the kingdom of God, and no passage that I've studied has given more insight into the kingdom than this one.

Jesus' message of the kingdom is that the age to come and the rule and reign of God have broken into this present age so that the disciples of Jesus  become a colony of heaven in a broken and dark world. Their continual prayer is "your kingdom come, your will be done right here, right now on earth as it is in heaven."

Understanding that my life is not so much about "going to heaven when I die," although that is very important, but that it is about living heaven right here on earth before I die has represented a massive mind change. It has made sense of so many things in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. It has fit with Paul's statement that though we lived here, our citizenship is in heaven. It has made clear why Peter would say we are aliens, foreigners and strangers in this world.

One day the kingdom will come in all of its fullness, but now it is coming like waves of an invading force breaking in here and there, and then there and here in this world. Our goal is not to wait until heaven to be filled up with the righteousness of God, but to hunger and thirst for it now so that we might treat all men the very same way that we will treat everyone in heaven.

After months of study, my friend Steve Brown and I wrote a book that we prayed would cause hundreds and thousands to dig deeply into this crucial message. But this week I clicked on to a website operated by our book distributor to check on how sales were going for this book. I was a little stunned at what I saw. I guess you could say the sales have been respectable, but nothing like what I would've expected or hoped.

Some people tell me that disciples today really don't want to study that deeply but that they just want a thought or two to get them through the day. I have to admit that makes me wonder if that contributes to the popularity of Mind Change Moments. Is it that people want to take just a moment, have the equivalent of a spiritual five-hour energy drink? As Chicagoans once said to shoeless Joe Jackson "Tell us it ain't so, Joe."

I don't know what the real situation is, but because of my passion to have more people study and then live out the message of the kingdom, I'm going to record several more videos like this one over the next few weeks in which I will give you more of my convictions about the kingdom of God. If you only have a moment, this will likely be too long for you, but if you want a challenge to go deeper, this may be the place.

Thanks very much. I hope to see you next week.


  1. Thanks Tom and Sheila for all you do, how you always are there for God's people on Earth and how you continue to challenge us. I so need it. Much love,

  2. Thank you both for your example of really seeking after God's truth and knowing him deeply. You are both great examples of how God gives wisdom to those who ask for it and faith to those who read his word.

  3. Tom,
    Thank you for the challenge to dig deeper. Sadly, I've been intimidated by the book The Kingdom of God, thinking I couldn't do what I would read on those pages. But instead of humbly getting the book and beginning, I ran from the challenge. Today, after reading your Mind Change Moment, I repented. And I purchased a copy of the book so that I can begin, with faith, the journey "to live heaven right here on earth." Thank you for sharing your convictions. Please pray for me to stay strong in my journey of faith.

  4. Tom thank you so much for your MCMs. The video you shared was quite revealing and sobering. I am sad and I will miss your weekly MCM emails. I want to encourage you that the only entry I made over the past 4-5 years in following your blog was commenting on "Create in me a Pure heart." You blog entry that week has done much more than you can imagine. A few individuals commented on my comment and it helped to encourage me in the Faith. In turn, I have made a spiritual pen pal with one of them and we are now encouraging each other in our struggles. I pray that we will eventually encourage one another enough that we'll notice each other in Heaven and gather with you and the three of us can reminisce on those earthly times. Be well and look forward to more of your Kingdom sharing!

  5. Thanks to all of you who have responded so far. I have received other responses via email that are most encouraging. A special "Thank you" to Julie B. I believe your honest comment could be repeated by others. But I thank God for your humility. We have nothing to fear from the good news of the Kingdom. The God who calls us to it, meets us there to give us the power to live it.

  6. Thank you Tom. I am abit late in reading this, life is so distracting. I did purchase your book and loved it. Sometimes I quickly forget, or do not apply it and make a difference the way that I should. May I/may we continue to strive and "not give up." Congratulations on the 200th week. We all love and appreciate you and Sheila.
