
A New "Do"

Someone has defined New Year’s resolutions as a to-do list for the first week of January. After a week it seems most folks are back to the same same-old, same –old. “One and done.”

On the other hand, there are at least a few who will decide that the turning of that page on the calendar offers an opportunity to do some serious growing and they will begin something in January that leads to real change. In my experience these are people who understand two things.


God in Diapers

What I will share with you today first appeared in a magazine article I wrote almost twenty years ago. I believe it is all still true.

At the heart of the New Testament faith is a God who does almost nothing the way he is supposed to. Who would have ever expected he would show up on our planet? The God of the logicians and the philosophers would never do that. Even if we thought he might appear, who would have ever expected him to come…in diapers?  To think that God who is by definition limitless, would choose to take on the greatest limits that we know, can certainly trip all your circuits. And yet, that is the message of the New Testament.



Here in North America it is that time of the year when the days are at their shortest. It is supposed to be a joyful season, but some people have what is called seasonal affective disorder or SAD. This is a generalized depression that seems to be brought on by the reduced amount of light. Many of us are probably affected by this phenomenon, but for some people it is a serious challenge requiring professional help.


Unchanging Truth

Psychologists and psychiatrists have a big book called the DSM. It is sometimes called the bible for mental health professionals. This week the committee that revises the DSM announced that the new edition will no longer include narcissistic personality disorder.