
Treasure in Jars

 First, I want to thank all of you who have been so encouraging and supportive during this time after my father’s death. Your words have been much appreciated.

This week I want to let the words of our good friend Linda Brumley encourage us. Linda has a new book titled My Beggar’s Purse, and as you read it, you find that God has filled her purse with lots of wisdom. Today I want to share with you this gem from Chapter 2.

In spite of all the trouble God has gone to in the Bible to explain our fallen state, we still feel we need to somehow do something to deserve salvation. We try to be perfect Christians and we get defensive if anyone points out that we are not, all the while beating ourselves up because we know we are not. It is such an exhausting contradiction.
Don’t get me wrong—aiming for perfection is the right thing to do (2 Corinthians 13:11), but claiming it is a lie (1 John 1:8–9), and going around in a constant state of angst because we are imperfect is a miserable way to live. It is not what God had in mind.
God doesn’t want us to be comfortable sinning, but he does want us to be comfortable with the fact that we are sinners. I think we work so hard to be the treasure instead of being entrusted with the treasure:

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7)

We are jars of clay—the muddy-colored, misshapen kind; not the elegantly glazed, hand-painted, porcelain kind. And God has chosen to fill us with a treasure:

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6)

So, this is my identity. I am a jar of clay. My job is not to “find myself,” but to die to myself (Luke 9:23–26). At what cost? Just clay. But I’m so excited that God can use me anyway! It is because of the treasure within—the knowledge of the plan of God for the salvation of all mankind—that my life has meaning and glory.

Thank you, Linda. For more great thoughts from Linda check out her new book, My Beggars Purse.


  1. i believe i am the jar of clay and that God has put his treasure for many in me...Sometimes most Disciples fail to realise that they are the treasure themselves instead we find ourselves just enjoying and comfortable in been entusted with the treasure and find it uncomfortable in being the treasure that God put in us...We have to be the treasure to others and a blessing to others...that alot more and more people will come to to know the goodness and the power of God through us.Charl Nyundo.Malawi

  2. What a great thought to be remembered each day as i live my life for christ. This thoughts reminded me that God reconciled with me when I was still a sinner and not because of my own goodness. I always battle to be perfect in God's sight but that's not His goal for me. His goal for me is to accept His grace and love and be compelled of that love. Thank you Tom and Linda....

  3. Brett Ellingson - HoustonOctober 26, 2010 at 3:30 PM


    Thanks for sharing that execerpt from the chapter (it was just a portion not the whole chapter right?).

    Linda says, "We try to be perfect Christians and we get defensive if anyone points out that we are not, all the while beating ourselves up because we know we are not. It is such an exhausting contradiction"

    That quote from her book gets my mind racing...It IS exhausting to try so hard and yet know that I will never match up. How do you get that realization that grace is everything?

    Tom, if I remember correctly I thought one of your books you write about the idea of God's grace dawning on you so clearly. Did you write about that in mind change or maybe one of your books about Jesus or maybe Strong in the Grace?...Anyway, I remember that passage from someone's book and have wanted that same experience myself. That realization that no matter what, I'm worthy because I'm in Christ. And I want to stop being so hard on myself; for myself and especially for my wife and kids as I hate making them feel as if nothing they do is ever good enough.

    Thanks again for sharing and reminding me that God doesn't want me for what I can do for him.

    Brett Ellingson
    Houston, TX

    Maybe say a prayer for me to "get it" - to get grace. Not sure if I'm ready to understand it but the alternative of not understanding it is really no longer an option for me.

  4. Richard Watts Burke VirginiaNovember 1, 2010 at 12:29 PM


    Thanks for your comments as I share your struggle at times as well. Being a perfectionist constantly makes me keep trying to "earn" my salvation instead of resting in the grace God has lavished on me. I pray that we can both comprehend and internalize the precious grace of Jesus. My prayers are with you.

    Tom - Thanks for your consistent sharing. It is a great encouragement to me and helps me maintain the proper prespective on my relationship with God.
