
O-P, and O-K to Kingdom Living

Let me see if I can summarize what we have looked at the last four weeks. If I want to have a mind change and start living the kingdom life, that is living heaven on earth right now, there are four key words.

First, I must be open—open to all kinds of new ways of thinking, being and doing.  Having a strong resistance to change will pretty well kill kingdom living.

Second, I must see the importance of prayer. This kingdom life is such an out-of-this-world kind of life that trying to live it with just ordinary human resources is about like trying to fly to the moon on a 747. Someone’s resources may look pretty impressive but they will be humbled by the task. This kingdom life will only be lived by kingdom power that comes from prayer.

Third, I must have a heart eager to obey. One learns more and more about the kingdom by obeying the king. I must not wait until I get items 11 and 12 figured out before I obey items 1-10 which are crystal clear. Obeying what I know will lead to clarity with things I didn’t understand.

Fourth, I need what in Greek was called koinonia. That is I need to be involved in other’s lives, learning from them and letting them learn from me, them supporting me and letting me support them. By definition the kingdom life is communal life or, if you please, the community life. We don’t grow in kingdom attitudes apart from the koinonia.

Openness, prayer, obedience, koinonia. Don’t forget them. If you need a memory device, just remember “O-P and you will be O-K.” He who has ears, let him hear.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,
    I wholeheartedy agree with the four key ways we Christians need to be in order to live the kingdom life. We in the Memphis fellowship heard an insightful message yesterday by Kenneth regarding love equating to obedience. The only thing we can offer back to God for His love to us is our obedience (and thus love) to Him. Thank you for your cool mnenomic suggestions to help us embody kingdom teachings like the one in today's MCM.
