As summer comes to an end, we have concluded our run of Mind Change Encore Moments and are turning to some new thoughts. My good friend, Steve Brown, and I are looking forward to the release of our new book in a few weeks. Titled The Kingdom of God —Volume One: The Future Breaks In, it is the product of study and teaching the two of us have done together the last two years.
When Jesus came preaching the good news of the Kingdom (which, by the way, was his main message) the word “repent” was usually right there at the beginning. The Greek word for “repentance,” of course, most literally means “change your mind.” In the last twenty years I have talked a good deal about the subject of “mind change,” and used that term to help me and others shift our thinking. But the fact is that there is no mind change like that which Jesus called for when he called us to the Kingdom.